"Next port: Gainsville, Cardiolado!"
No more phone in bed.
Rise & shine with the crew and start moving.
Sweat with the squad. Guided team workout sessions to get your mind right before and during work sessions.
Improve your strength, cardio and mobility.
At least 3 per day. Ditch the desk, swap screen time for green time.
"Ship ship ship your ideas"
Pick that one big thing that's on your mind, make it your project for the next few days and tackle it head-on, while everything else is being taken care of.
Engage in group focus sessions where everyone is fully immersed in their task.
Real G’s move in silence, like lasagna.
Share what you did at the end of the day
Work on your pitching skills, get grilled & get better!
"The only ships that doesn’t sink"
Meet and connect with cool people, swap stories, share moments.
Post-dinner hours dedicated to social activities, resting and introductions to non tech hobby activity side quests.
Dissect in-depth topics with passion! In groups! Together!
Exchange skills with others, teaching something you know and learning something new in return.
I've been organizing events in various forms since forever, and I've been doing it more seriously for over a decade.
Right now I'm planning on launching a new series, but before I do, I want to interview a few people, learn more and and get some commitment at the idea stage.
For the first events I'll be very hands on, so we'll have to become closely acquainted.
Read thorough the details, check out examples of previous events below, and come say hi and book your spot on socials